SZUPER JOGSI AUTÓSISKOLA Budapest, VII.Ker. Erzsébet Krt. 4. fsz 4. (Az udvarban.)  Mobil: 06-70-515-5913

Itt talál meg minket

Information Category B


Business terms and conditions of your license SZUPER JOGSI DRIVING SCHOOL LTD on the basis of the economy and transport minister 24/2005./IV.21. / GKM drivers on the road and road transport training of and arrangements for the examination.

  1. Identity, contact, and company data of Driving School

1.1. Name of Driving School: Szuper Jogsi Autósiskola Kft.

1.2. The cell phone of Driving School: +36 70 509 9431

1.3 Email of Driving School: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

1.4. Address of Driving School: 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet körút 4. Ground floor, door number 4.

1.5. Legal form of Driving School: Company (exact category: Kft.) regulated by Hungarian law.

1.6. Company's registration number: 01-09-982325

1.7. The number of training license: KE/ST/82/B/2922/1/2012.

1.8. Adult Education license number:00492-2012

1.9. Name and identification number of Driving School's leader and director: Anda János, 11633

1.10. Status of Driving School's leader: owner.

1.11. Cell phone and email address of the Driving School's leader: +36 70 509 9431; Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

1.12. Adult Education Registration number: B / 2020/002151)1.12.


Licensing Authority and Supervisory Authority:
ITM Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
Postacím: 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 44-50.
Központi postafiók címe: 1440 Budapest PF:1
Telefonszám: +36-1-795-1700 Telefax: +36-1-795-0697
Ügyfélszolgálati információs Iroda: 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 44-50
Telefonszám: +36-1-795-6766   +36-1-795-3832   +36-1-795-6816
E-mail: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

  • Székhely: 1033 Budapest, Polgár utca 8-10.
  • Telefon: +36-1-510-0101 / +36-1-814-1800
  • E-mail: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


Our school provides you the opportunity to prepare for the theory (KRESZ) exam at home.

You do not have to go to a classroom to learn the theory. You can study and prepare for the exam from home - in a comfortable setting and on your schedule.

E-learning is a new education program accepted by the Hungarian National Transport Authority. It fully prepares you for and allows you to take the official theoretical exam.

Application Procedure:

If you want to choose the e-learning theory course (KRESZ) from the home program, fill in the application form on our web, and we will register you.

During office hours, come into our school and pay the course fee. (70.000HUF)

ur school provides you the opportunity to prepare for the theory (KRESZ) exam at home.

You do not have to go to a classroom to learn the theory. You can study and prepare for the exam from home - in a comfortable setting and on your schedule.

E-learning is a new education program accepted by the Hungarian National Transport Authority. It fully prepares you for and allows you to take the official theoretical exam.

Application Procedure:

If you want to choose the e-learning theory course (KRESZ) from the home program, fill in the application form on our web, and we will register you.

During office hours, come into our school and pay the course fee. (70.000HUF)



If you want to register online, click on the image:


Our school provides a 4 900 HUF discount for student cards and coupon cards from the e-learning fee. (65 100 HUF)


Or you can register personally at our school


If you have questions, please get in touch with me at +36-70-509-9431



Please get in touch with us via phone or e-mail, fill in our application form - "Jelentkezési lap" on our website, or come into the office to register.


Budapest, VII.Erzsébet körút. 4. fsz. 4.

            Map click HERE


Monday 12:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 12:00 – 17:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12:00 – 17:00
Friday 12:00 – 18:00
Saturday - Sunday Closed






Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


Application Procedure:

To sign up for the e-learning theory course (KRESZ), please do the following:

  1. Fill out the online application form
  2. Provide the following documents,
  • Identity card or passport
  • Address card
  • Residence permit
  • Application form (contract) available in our office
  1. Pay the 70 000 HUF (or with a discount of 65 100 HUF) tuition fee


Our school provides a 4 900 HUF discount for student cards and coupon cards from the e-learning fee. (65 100 HUF)

After your registration, you will receive access to the e-learning program.

You can use this program on your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.



  • Medical certificate from your doctor (approximately 8.000 HUF)
  • Address card
  • Residence permit
  • Certificate of elementary (8 classes in school) or higher school diploma translated into Hungarian. (Translator office address: OFFI 1062 Budapest Bajza utca 52. Phone:061-428-9600)
  • The theory exam fee is 4 600 HUF


The exam date and location will be communicated to you via e-mail. You must confirm whether the exam's suggested date works for you. 

After successfully passing the theoretical exam, you can start the practical course. The fee for the driving course has to be paid in advance.

Is it possible to pay the course fee in 10 hours installments.

You can arrange the hours of driving lessons with your instructor.



E-learning theoretical education fee: 70 000 HUF (With a discount of 65 100 HUF) (180 days/75 hours)

    29 hours mandatory driving lessons fee: 29 X 11 000 HUF = 319 000 HUF   

        (manual car 11 000 HUF/lesson)

        (automatic car 11 000 HUF/lesson


Other additional fees:

      Theoretical exam fee: 4 600 HUF

      Practical exam fee: 11 000 HUF (You must pay one lesson fee for using the training car during the practical exam.)

  • 14 500 HUF - First Aid course training (organized by our school, optional)
  • 18 000 HUF - First Aid exam fee
  • Medical certificate (can be obtained from the district family doctor). The fee might differ depending on the doctor.

* The First Aid exam is a prerequisite for issuing a driving license!

The student on demand can choose automatic transmission cars for practice lessons.

In this case, the student, after the successful exam, gets a driving license that qualifies to drive only an automatic transmission car.

The lesson fee for an automatic transmission car is 11 000 HUF/session. (Driving lessons fees can be paid in cash.) 


Office hours:

Monday 12:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 12:00 – 17:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12:00 – 17:00
Friday 12:00 – 18:00
Saturday - Sunday Closed


There is no way to refund the course fees or e-learning tuition fees paid to the student who signed up for the course and signed a contract with the driving school. In the case of classroom education, the learner is given the opportunity to attend a later education.

For the first theory exam, only the school allows booking for students.

After the first exam, the student can personally register for another exam at the exam center. Address:1119. Budapest, Petzvál József utca 39.

For practical exams, only the school can book the student cannot book a date for the practical exam.


For the exam, you must need:

Valid Passport,

Address card,

Residence permit or registration card,

Any document that contains your mother's maiden name,


Also, you need to prove the education of 8 years in school by the original certificate of your elementary school, high school, grammar school, or university degree diploma, translated into Hungarian.


The first exam may be taken without the presence of the original proof of primary school education, but no further examination date may be booked until the document is presented.

Place of theory exam:  KAV Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

  1. Budapest, Petzvál József utca 39. T: +36 1 371 3030

Places for closed-track training:

  • Budaörs, Virág piac.
  • Budapest, XIX. district Hofherr Albert street 109.
  • Budapest III. district Bécsi út 310.
  • Budapest IV. ker. Berda József utca 15. (Magyar Autóklub)


Meeting point for practical training:


  • Budapest XIX. district Határ út.
  • Budapest III. district Flórián tér.
  • Budapest XIV. district Írottkő park
  • Budapest XIX. district Budaörsi virágpiac
  • Budapest IV. ker. Berda József utca 15. (Magyar Autóklub)


For the first theory exam, only the school is allowed to book students.

After the first exam, the student can personally register for another exam at the exam center. Address:1119. Budapest, Petzvál József utca 39.

For practical exams, only the school is allowed to book the student can't book a date for the practical exam.

If personal data is changed, the student is required to notify the school within eight days!

The student must do a theory exam within nine months from the start date of the contract, and must do a successful theory exam within one year from the start date of the contract between the school and applicant, and from the successful theory exam within two years, must do successful traffic exam so otherwise the previous exams will be lost, and required to start the course from the beginning.

Please remember that when applying for the exam,  the application must be submitted to the examination center at least three weeks before the deadline!

At the time of signature, Driving’s School provides the Applicant with a discount price for the practical training in driving. It is valid for the first 30 hours of practical training. Before applying for the practical driving exam, it is required by the law (24/2005. IV.21). from the Student:

  • to participate in the first 30 hours of practical training,
  • and fulfill at least 580 kilometers of driving during the practical training,


If the student wishes to continue studies in another school, or if the student comes from another school, the case administration fee needed to pay, which amounts is 10.000 HUF. The lessons that have been derived from the fees will not be refunded.

The cost increases reserve the right to change the price-forming organs!

The theoretical education place: 1073. Erzsébet Krt. 4. Ground floor 4.


In practice, the exam registration shall be made, who is 17 years of age, all the theoretical exam subjects (except for medical examination) passing the examination, the minimum mandatory practical lessons deduced (9 hours basic driving hours + 14 hours driving in traffic situation + 2 hours driving at night + 4 hours highway driving. The minimum hours are 30, and the minimum driving distance is 580km.

If the student fails the traffic exam and prepares for re-examination, at least five additional hours of the practical training session are required. This contains 4 hours of driving and 1 hour of exam, which  1 hour includes the use of the training car.

After five unsuccessful driving exams, the aptitude test exam must attend another exam registration, which is only possible depending on its result.


The practice of driving a car:

The start of the practical driving conditions for a successful highway code exam.

The practical driving clock period is 50 minutes. If a student drives two hours between the hours, a 10-minute break can be included.


The number of hours specified above is the minimum time required for the student. Of course, if the student feels that the conduct of 30 hours has not been able to pass an exam successfully, he or she can get extra driving hours. The lesson numbers for a successful practical exam are very different. It greatly depends on the student's abilities, age, etc.

Of course, the learner is entitled to the following minimum number of hours and the deduced 580 km request for admission, but this should be the management board comment section recorded. In this case, for the unsuccessful exam, complaints can not be accepted.

Reconciliation of practical training dates for the Student-Teacher flexibly by mutual agreement. The student, according to the practical driving performance of the management in the driving booklet by signing. In case of a delay, they are required to wait for 20 minutes so as the learner as the instructor.

Cancellation of the agreed with the instructor "booked" driving hours the pupils can be made with the instructor at least  24 hours before the training date. Accepted forms of notification, SMS, or phone call. In the absence of a practical occupation, the Student does not rain during this period required to reimburse the hourly rate. The management of the cardboard "did not appear" shall be applicable. The "did not appear" shall not be included in the minimum number of hours.

Practical teaching provided the opportunity to sit behind the other students as "student observers' participation in the training for free. 

Due to the instructor's illness or the failure of the student's car, the loss of educational lessons to the student does not involve compensation, but the instructor is required to notify the student in time.
Our school undertakes practical training only on the instructor's vehicle.

Exam fees: The Theoretical (Highway) examination fee is 4 600 HUF, and the traffic exam fee is 11 000 HUF. The re-exam fee is the same. These fees are not revenue for the school, central-official exam fees. The re-traffic exam fee can be paid if the student agrees to buy five additional practical lessons, of which four hours of driving and one hour is the use of the car during the traffic exam.

At the traffic test, is the exact arrival is needed because, in case of delay, the exam is not possible. At the exam, a valid identity card or passport + residence card is required! If you have a driving license from another category before the exam, it needs to be presented! In their absence, the exam can not start!

Choice of car types:

Ford C-Max (diesel),

Toyota Auris (diesel) 

Peugeot 307 (diesel)

Toyota yaris hibrid (automat)

Opel Corsa (automat) 

Dacia Sandero (diesel)

Suzuki SX4 (petrol)


Meeting point of driving instructors:

  • III. ker. Flórián téri parking place
  • III. ker. Európa center (Praktiker)
  • XI. ker. Gazdagrét (Madárhegy) Bp. XI. ker.
  • XIX. ker. Határ út
  • XV. ker. Írottkő park – Csáktornya park Zugló

For the driver's license, you need a first aid exam. You can gain the necessary knowledge from our online course.

The education fee is 14 500 HUF.

The Student can go with anybody to the exam as a translator, who can help him or her in the translation process since the Hungarian Red Cross does not expect an official translator.


The Hungarian Red Cross exam happens personally visiting the Red Cross center (Budapest, V. district. Arany János u. 31). The exam fee is 18 000 HUF.

Do not have to take the exam for any student with specialization qualifications in first aid. In this case, the first aid exam office issues a first aid card for the student.

A student participates in practical training at his / her responsibility. During the practical training or practical exam, if an accident occurs, the school is not responsible for the damage suffered by the student. The student is not liable for any damage (damages) incurred in the training car.

The student with the knowledge of criminal responsibility takes note of that, with his/her behavior, and tries to influence the outcome of the exam by any means that is a criminal offense that our school will report to the competent authority.

Our school enrollment registration fee of 10.000 HUF is payable if our dear student leaves the school. Both the Student and the 'School' have the right to terminate the contract without explanation. In case of the termination of the contract, the student is required to notify the school leader. The school, within five working days, issues the student the transfer paper if the financial liabilities, including outstanding mid-two parties, settle.
For the student, the registration fee, the hourly rates of any driven lessons from the driving school, and, and the fees that had not resulted in driven lessons are reimbursements.

The registration fee is an administration fee. It contains the fee of application and exam documents, the administration of exams at KAV Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, the storing of documents for the same authority, support service in the designated office hours.

The Applicant contributes to the use of his or her data contained in this document.

These personal data are used solely for the purpose the fulfilling legal obligations required by the relevant Hungarian controlling authority, which is:

KAV (Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság).

1119 Budapest, Petzvál József u. 39. Phone number: +36 1 371 3030

Office hours: Monday – Thursday: 8.00 – 15.00 o’clock. Friday: 8.00-12.00 o’clock.

(From this point, referred to as Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Közlekedési Felügyelősége.)

and FAR (Felnőttképzési Adatszolgáltatási Rendszer)

If the student has any problem during the theoretical or practical education or with anything other, please inform the school director or the staff at the client's office so that we can remedy it.

We wish you a successful and effective preparation for exams.


Átlagos Képzési Óraszám (ÁKÓ)

- Gyakorlat B kategória

2024/4 n.év

Iskolánk: 174.98% (OÁ.:160.09%)



- Elmélet B kategória

2024/4 n.év

Iskolánk:62.01% (OÁ.:49.78%)

- Gyakorlat B kategória

2024/4 n.év

Iskolánk: 33.08% (OÁ.:44.86%)


Képzési Költség (KK)
